Sunday, 19 August 2012

Bouquet Made of Lego

Oh yes.

Here it is.

In as step by step as I could manage.

It's actually quite difficult to remember to take pictures of each step when you're really focused on just putting the darn thing together!

So here's the start of 7 of the flowers bided together. This is actually as big as I plan to make my Bridesmaids bouquet only it'll have leaves round the outside like this one will eventually have.

They're a little difficult to hand tie. They don't align easily and they don't really overlap. So there's not a whole lot I can do about the gaps.

Here's a picture of the underside. I used cello tape to start with because I didn't want to use up all my fast depleting florist tape.

They do make a good spherical shape despite the gaps.

I tried starting off with two flowers crossed over but it was much easier to get a good shape with one in the middle and the others around the outside.

Here it is with the final row.

All the flowers making up the final row had leaves on the stems. Just like the ones in the centre piece post.

In fact, they are the the ones from the centre piece post, which means I'll need to get some more to redo the centre pieces. I was too impatient to start the bouquet to wait to buy more Lego!

I was happy with it as it was there but there were two things bothering me about it.

One: it didn't have anything special about it compared to the centre pieces really. And-

Two: those darn gaps!

So I put some mini flowers on some wire and added them to the gaps.

It hasn't really solved the gap problem but it has added a "baby's breath" like affect which I like.

I've resigned to the fact that there's nothing I can do about the gaps and in a way, it's good the gaps are there because you can pick out the individual flowers rather than it looking like a mass ball of Lego.

Here it is with the handle!

I was planning to use a tube of kitchen foil or cling film or the kitchen roll tube. But what I actually ended up doing was using the wall lining paper we had got to practice our table "runners." I just rolled it up to a thickness that was sturdy and wrapped the ribbon around, securing with pins.

Then tied the bow round the top just for extra added cuteness.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with it.

It's not what I originally planned with the blue flowers. But I just couldn't get the blue flowers to work, they were too big and bulky. So they'll be used in the centre pieces now I think.

Part of me is tempted to take it apart again and try and redo it. But I probably won't because I cannot improve the gap situation and the mini flowers look just fine scattered like they are. I'd probably be tempted to make them a bit more uniform but I don't think that'll be the way to go.

I guess I'll see how I feel about it in the next few months.

Up coming posts:
-Button holes
-Lego veil update
-Centre piece update

Keep an eye out for those!


  1. How do you build it! :)

  2. Allie Benefiel9 July 2017 at 22:05

    Where do you get the pieces? I would love to do this for my wedding in Oct.


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